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Curtains & Soft Furnishings Resource Library

I had the pleasure of working with Ceil Duglielmo this week and I'm so excited to share her DIY and...

Educational Resources for Soft Furnishings
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Educational Resources Soft Furnishings  Learn to sew window treatments and soft furnishings with hands-on, step-by-step instruction in a real workroom...

Repurpose Window Treatments With Cornice Kits
Repurpose Window Treatments With Cornice Kits

Easy to Re-purpose Cornice Kits DIY Cornice Kits are one of the best and most affordable ways to decorate your...

Medical Mask for Hospital Staff and Caregivers.
Medical Mask for Hospital Staff and Caregivers.

Info found from UF Health - Mask Tutorial Prototype This mask is made of two layers of Halyard H600 medical...

CODIV-19 Mask PleatingTools
CODIV-19 Mask PleatingTools

Everyone is trying to quickly fabricate Codiv-19 Mask for your family and friends. Wanted to share a couple I whip...

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